Summer University

What is a Summer University (SU)?

The SU is an event that takes place during summer between one and four weeks in most of the cities that AEGEE is present. Understanding and exploring the multicultural dimension of the European continent, removing national borders, fighting for tolerance and creating open-minded citizens are some of the reasons why 20 to 50 young Europeans from all over Europe come together in each SU to taste the diversity of multiculturalism.

Duration & Dates

From one to three weeks. The usual duration is two weeks. All SUs are held between June and September.


The average prices of a SU is €186. For this price you get the following:

  • Accommodation during the whole event.
  • Meals: Two per day of which at least one is warm. Vegetarian, non-pork food and other special requirements will be provided.
  • Transportation during the event, tickets to recreational sites, cultural landmarks, activities, museums… and everything else included in the program. And of course the parties!

Keep in mind that you have to pay for your own transportation (flight, train or bus ticket) to get to and from the city your SU start and end in.


It depends on the SU. It may be a hostel, camping, tent, gym, houses of AEGEE members, student flats,… In any case, if you want to know more details about the accommodation, read the “lodging” specification in each SU description and if you still have doubts, contact the organizers of the specific SU.

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