
Are you eager to travel around Europe whilst developing your skills, participating in interesting events and having lots of fun? Then AEGEE-Tilburg is the association for you! With AEGEE-Tilburg you can go for short travels with exchanges to another European city or have an amazing summer somewhere in Europe by going to one of the approximately 75 summer universities AEGEE has to offer. Our networks also offer lots of exciting trainings and meetings around Europe for you to develop yourself in all kinds of areas.


Vision & Mission

The vision of AEGEE  is stated as the following: “AEGEE strives for a democratic, diverse and borderless Europe, which is socially, economically and politically integrated, and values the participation of young people in its construction and development”. 

How AEGEE contributes to this future is formulated in AEGEEs mission:
AEGEE empowers students and young people in Europe to take an active role in society. It creates a space for dialogue and learning opportunities as well as acts as their representative towards decision-makers. Moreover, AEGEE strengthens mutual understanding and brings Europe closer to young people”

Organisational Structure

AEGEE-Europe has a complex structure comprising many bodies, comittees, commissions, working groups and interests groups. Different bodies within AEGEE-Europe include the Antennaes, the European board of Directors (called the Comité Directeur), and the AEGEE Academy, who provide high quality non-formal eduction trainings. Within AEGEE-Europe, Committees help bodies by providing them with information, services, infrastructure and materials needed to fulfill their tasks. Members of the commissions within AEGEE supervise the rules set out by AEGEE. The working groups carry out the thematic goals of AEGEE-Europe from the strategic plan, and ensure that these are focus areas are fulfilled. Finally, interest groups are groups of like-minded AEGEEans who share a common interest, for example, language, culture, education of society and environment.

Agora & EPM

The Agora and European Planning Meeting (EPM) are AEGEE’s biggest events. The Agora is the General Assembly of the association, held twice a year, in spring and in autumn, gathering 600-1000 students for four days. Apart from being the venue where the board of directors of the organization, the Comité Directeur (CD) are elected every spring, it is also a life-changing experience for the participants, the young Europeans who are gathering in one place to build the future of the organization and together. The participants of the Agora also join workshops, prytania (to discuss changes to the statutes of the organization), progress meetings about ongoing projects, and other programs.

The European Planning Meeting (EPM) gathers together around 300 experienced AEGEE members in order to draft the Action Agenda for the upcoming year. Besides working on the preparation of AEGEE’s Action Agenda, participants take part in workshops, panel discussions and round table discussions related to the general topic chosen for the event.

On MyAEGEE, you can apply for the Agora and EPM. For more information visit the AEGEE website:

European Schools & Training Events

Non-formal education is an integral part of AEGEE. Most of AEGEE’s training events are organized by the Academy, often in cooperation with other AEGEE bodies who are experts in certain fields such as committees of project teams. These training events are called European Schools. The events focus on a certain theme or topic, for example including Project Management, Public Relations, Fund Raising, and others. During these events, participants get a chance to understand the workings of NGOs operate, at the same time developing their skills. Diverse training methods, which include lectures, workshops and case work, create the perfect environment for fast knowledge absorption among the trainees. On MyAEGEE, you can apply for the European schools and Training Events:

Network Meetings (NWM)

A Network Meeting is an event organized by a member of the Network Commission in co-operation with an AEGEE local. The event consists of discussions and training sessions about different topics connected to the work of AEGEE, and topics of interest for young Europeans. A Network Meeting is the place where new AEGEE members can learn about youth work from experienced AEGEE members.

During a Network Meeting, several types of activities are conducted: workshops on e.g. project management, public relations, fund raising, presentation skills, NGOs, the European level of AEGEE, making movies, presentations of past and upcoming projects in the Network, discussions concerning current youth issues e.g. youth unemployment, students’ mobility, Higher and Non-Formal Education.

On MyAEGEE you can apply for the network meetings:

Summer Universities

Each year during summer AEGEE locals organize what’s called a Summer University. This means you can visit a European city for approximately two weeks to have the summer of your life. You can choose from over 70 destinations around Europe all with a different theme. These themes differ from history and local culture to sports, language and green SU. With around 20-30 people, all from somewhere out of Europe, you will form an amazing group in no time. You will travel through the country you picked, do workshops and trainings, party and learn, experience different cultures.

Prices for AEGEE Summer Universities differ from around 130 to 200 euros. Included in the price is the accommodation for the whole SU, two meals a day, activities, parties and transportation during your SU. The only thing you need to take care of yourself is getting to the city you chose! On the site of AEGEE Summer Universities you can find more information:

Other European Meetings

Besides all the trainings and workshops, AEGEE locals all over Europe organize all kinds of interactive and entertaining meetings. These meetings usually take place around the year during holidays. Here you can celebrate Christmas, New Year, winter, spring or any other topic as long as you want to skip out of your routine to enjoy a place and atmosphere elsewhere in Europe. You will spend your time like any other AEGEE event with amazing AEGEEans from all over Europe. You can find these meetings listed on MyAEGEE and there’s also always a Facebook event created for the particular meeting.


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